SHS – School of Humanities & Science

School of Humanities & Science: A Christian Perspective
Starts July 30, 2023 | Prerequisite: DSP 211 & 212 / Credits: 12 (HMT/SCI 211)

Is it possible for Christians to interact in all spheres of society and to be convinced of what they know about Jesus Christ’s way of thinking? After all, what does God think about government, laws, science, beauty, art, history, philosophy?

The mission of the School of Humanities & Science in YWAM (Youth with a Mission) is to train Christians to influence wherever they are, so that they remain in the absolute truth of who God is.

This Core Course of the UofN aims to present, examine, and celebrate God’s truth and work in every area of life, in alignment with Philippians 4:8, an exhortation to meditate on “whatever is true, honorable, just, sacred, lovely and of good report.” It encompasses the humanities and science and technology, looking at the achievements and failures of individuals, societies, and nations, past and present.

The School of Humanities & Science allots 8 weeks of study to humanities, and 4 weeks to science, though the goal is an integrated approach. Topics include: the history of civilization from ancient times to the present, the meaning of worldview, language and culture, history of science, the practice of science, stewardship principles, appreciating literature and art, world politics and justice issues.

The School of Humanities & Science meets the UofN Core Curriculum requirement for Applied Christian Thinking.

This course makes part of the College of Humanities and International Studies at the University of the Nations.

College of Humanities and International Studies - School of Humanities & Science At the centre of a biblical worldview is a vision of the future with snapshots of the “prophetic dream” that the Scriptures portray of a banquet for all nations. Here all the peoples of the earth gather to enquire of the Lord how to live life in the light of His law; weapons are destroyed, peace and reconciliation increase and spread, and long life becomes increasingly the norm. As the peoples of the earth bring the treasures of their cultures as gifts to God, they participate in the restoration of all that has been broken by sin. The College/Faculty of Humanities & International Studies is reaching out to see some of that dream fulfilled in this age. Fired by that vision of the future, we desire to take hold of His promises and actively pull them into the present, seeking the Kingdom of God both in this age and in the age to come. In obedience we pray with Jesus: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Diferent expressions of that dream are reflected in courses and degrees ofered within the College/Faculty. For example, linguistics courses prepare men and women to extend the boundaries of knowledge of the languages of the unreached peoples.

Foundations for Intercultural Studies prepares students for living as the community of God’s reconciled people, serving as ministers of reconciliation and healing.

Humanities & Science: A Christian Perspective and other Applied Christian Thinking courses, look to “the things that are true, the honorable, the just, the sacred, lovely and of good report,” contributing to renewing of minds and so helping students develop a biblical worldview and celebrate God’s manifold creation, anticipating the day when these things will become a present reality.

For those who desire to learn and interact with the sphere of government, international relations and/or diplomacy, the College/Faculty of Humanities & International Studies ofers various courses that will equip students to confidently engage on a deeper level in the sphere of government, while creating a strong biblical, spiritual, and academic, foundation on which they are able to build and think critically about real life and current dilemmas.

The ability to reflect the Lord’s heart and Kingdom values, as they serve, wrestle, and engage with the tensions that dominate this complex sphere, will be the bedrock on which they build a solid biblical understanding in order to disciple nations.

“The government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over His kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.” (Isaiah 9:6-7).


School fee: US$1000,00

Data: July 30, 2023

Place: Jocum Monte das Águias – Almirante Tamandaré – PR 

E-MAIL: [email protected]


Instagram: @ehecjocum

(41) 3657-4057

* The amounts referring to the registration or monthly fee of the school, must be deposited in the current account of the mission as announced below. All deposits must be IDENTIFIED with the name of the student and the name of the depositor.

All deposit receipts must be sent via email to [email protected]

(Only after the receipt is sent, the registration and tuition fees will be deducted)

For Bank Deposit

Jovens com uma Missão Banco Bradesco / Conta Corrente Agency: 3200 Account: 6585-4

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