Justice and Compassion DTS
Justice and Compassion DTS
” This is what the Lord says: Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears.” Jeremiah 31:15,16
Starts July 16th, 2023 – DSP 211 & 212 / Credits: 19 – 24
We are the generation that will answer the cry of the people! What is the cry that burns in your heart?
Based on Jeremiah 31:15,16 in which Raquel cries for her children who no longer exist, a cry of pain. There is hope for your future!!!
Entire nations have been living under the burden of profound cruelty and oppression, awaiting the arrival of the consolation and redemption that can only come through the Cross of Christ. Jesus is calling us to be his feet, his hands and his voice for the healing of these nations.
The Justice and Compassion DTS invites you to dive with us into the heart of God, through moments of prayer, adoration and deep search in His Word to know Him more and thus be able to respond to the cry of these nations.
During these sessions, we will address topics such as:
- Persecuted church
- Lack of access to the word of God in the mother tongue (Eradicating Biblical Poverty in the World)
- Wars and their consequences
- The refugee crisis in the world
- Corruption and poverty
- Violence and child sexual exploitation
- Slave labor and human trafficking
It’s your turn to answer yes and connect to the people’s cry!
Discipleship Training School (DTS)
The DTS is a course that gives people the opportunity to have their character and personality strengthened to know God’s purpose for their lives. The main emphasis of the course is to know God in greater depth and to provide the student with favorable circumstances to mature his relationship with the Lord and the people around him/her.
During the DTS you not only study the word of God but find out how to make it real in your own life by learning to hear the voice of God and letting Him change your heart. The DTS is your chance to intensely seek the face of God and know the joy of being intimate with the creator. Each DTS can offer local, national or international practical opportunities.
The Discipleship Training School (YWAM-DTS), including the field assignment, is a prerequisite for all other UofN courses. The YWAM-DTS is the gateway into the 7 Colleges/Faculties and various Centres of the UofN. Students may apply to any YWAM-DTS ofered presently at more than 650 locations in over 140 countries and 97 languages around the world.
Once the student has completed the YWAM-DTS, he or she may take advantage of the wide variety of courses the UofN ofers. These courses are designed to equip the student to live and practice Christ’s last command to “make disciples of all nations….teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).
A student does not need to be registered in a degree programme to take UofN courses for which he or she is qualified. Students may take schools in any of the various Colleges/Faculties and locations that best fit their ministry goals.
To be admitted to a UofN course, an applicant must provide proof of the ability to do university-level coursework in the language in which the course is ofered. This approach to education ofers the student the flexibility to pursue those areas of study which are beneficial for reaching their life goals. Students are encouraged to be obedient to the call of God as they seek the equipping necessary to pursue their God-given ministry.