Photography Seminar

Photography Seminar

Starts January 22, 2024

“A picture can change a life and a life can change the world!”

We believe in the power of photography and together with you we want to hear God’s heart for this area of influence. We want to respond to God’s call to us with this incredible tool that is photography. Through this art tool we hope to bring to light what few have seen and understand that our calling and our artistic gift are not separate. God uses all talents to expand his kingdom! Come be part!

Training: Basic configuration and framing Aesthetics and concept of beauty Photography and calling Facets of photography Lighting Practical chat Practical Period We will have practical classes and we will also go to the center of Curitiba where we will carry out everything we developed in the theoretical period. At the end of the seminar we will have the possibility of an exhibition of the work developed by the participants.


  • Basic photography
  • Photography and missions
  • Lighting
  • Concept of beauty and aesthetics
  • Introduction to editing

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