YWAM Curitiba
Monte das Águias
After the beginning of the movement in Brazil in 1975 in Contagem-MG, YWAM has not stopped growing and currently has 56 missionary training bases in all regions of the country. Among them is YWAM Monte das Águias, located in Almirante Tamandaré, metropolitan region of Curitiba, capital of Paraná, founded in 2005.
Jocum Curitiba
Monte das Águias
Depois do início do movimento no Brasil em 1975 em Contagem-MG, a JOCUM não parou de crescer e atualmente tem 56 bases missionárias de treinamento em todas as regiões do país. Entre elas está a Jocum Monte das Águias, localizada em Almirante Tamandaré, região metropolitana de Curitiba, capital do Paraná, fundada em 2005.

What is YWAM?
YWAM ( Youth With A Mission ) is an international and interdenominational Movement committed to mobilizing young people from all nations for missionary work. As citizens of the Kingdom of God, we are called to love, worship and obey the Lord Jesus Christ, to love and serve his body, the Church, and to present the whole gospel to every man throughout the world.
7 Spheres of Influence
These seven spheres of influence will help us to form the nations for Christ. They are tools for us to use in the fulfillment of Matthew 28: to disciple the nations and extend the kingdom of Christ throughout the earth.
So, how do we take back these seven spheres that are so influential in any society?
Whatever sphere of influence God gives us, be it our family or the nation’s presidency, we must live His will for our lives. We should not do so to dominate others, but to be servants like Jesus did. Jesus wants to govern the world through us. As we follow the example of Jesus in our spheres of influence, we bring His Kingdom to the Earth.
We need to pray: Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done in whatever sphere of influence God called us to influence.
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