SDL – Leadership Seminar

SDL – Leadership Seminar
May 07 to June 16, 2023 / Credits: 6 (Registered at the UofN)

Purpose of this Leadership Seminar
For any team to succeed in fulfilling its goals in the Kingdom of God, it must have good leadership.

Leadership is often misunderstood:

  • It’s not a position.
  • It is not having knowledge.
  • It’s not even a successful outcome.

While a good leader can be in a position, have a lot of knowledge and success, what makes someone a leader is their ability to influence others.

As a leader, you will never escape the fact that there are people who are under your influence.

Have you ever considered what allows you to influence people’s lives?
Understanding the key ingredients that make a person a positive influencer will help you hone your ability to make an impact in the lives of the people you lead.

This seminar is created to develop leaders and to be better leaders, even more than that, it is for you to learn how to develop other leaders.

God is the focus, everything we do is from the Word.

We take YWAM‘s values seriously, they will be lived and studied in this seminar.

QWe want to see people go out across the world strong in their faith, strong in their character, strong in their calling!

By the end of this seminar, we want people to develop and promote new leaders!

This course makes part of the College of Christian Ministries at the University of the Nations

The College of Christian Ministries recognizes and responds to the great need to equip Christian leaders for service in the Kingdom of God, whether that be through specific mission and church roles or in the broader community. Courses in evangelism, missions (frontier, urban and specific ethnic or religious groups) church planting, biblical studies, leadership, worship and intercession, and youth ministries incorporate personal character development along with specific training and focused prayer towards the goal of obeying Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:19-20)

Whether participating in a School of Missions, or joining in a leadership seminar, students learn, work, and worship together, with the goal of “seeking first the Kingdom of God” in the context of the broader mission of the University of the Nations: to know God, and to make Him known.

Graduates of these training programs (both those who work towards a degree and those who take one or two specialized training programs) have gone on to start new ministries, plant churches cross-culturally, train new believers, teach the Bible, set up youth ministry outreaches, and much more. Programs are individually planned with the student’s calling and desired learning goals in mind.

Place: Jocum Monte das Águias – Almirante Tamandaré – PR
Date: From May 07 to June 16, 2023

Investment: Registration fee R$250 + Seminar fee R$850 (covers hospitality, food, materials and the course.)
Total ammount: R$1100

E-MAIL: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +55 41 9768-0446

* The amounts referring to the registration or monthly fee of the school, must be deposited in the current account of the mission as announced below. All deposits must be IDENTIFIED with the name of the student and the name of the deposit. Deposit receipts must be sent via email to [email protected].

(Only after the receipt is sent, the registration and tuition fees will be deducted)

For Bank Deposit

Jovens com uma Missão Banco Bradesco / Conta Corrente
Agencia: 3200
Conta: 6585-4