

We believe that the Niko program is not a “camp retreat” neither a “survival camp”. Our purpose is not to provide pure pleasure but to show the participants a new lifestyle by challenging them in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way, giving them the opportunity to go beyond their personal limits or self-taxes to compete with themselves, not for survival or pride, but for a prospective of a new quality life. They will be trained for a transcultural and multicultural trip where they may require a deeper commitment to overcome pressures on their character, in their physical bodies, and for decision making.

The program involves five intense days where we will work on LeadershipTeam WorkWaiver of Right and Service, awakening perhaps unknown gifts and talents.

Important Information

Registration fee: R$130,00 Course fee R$220,00 * Cost includes: food, lodging; a partial day on the Ropes Course and T-shirt. The NIKO program is run by teams from 15 to 40 people. (It is not necessary for the teams to be from a specific place or from a certain isolated group, it can be a unique subscription if the group reaches the minimum number of participants) Minimum age: 12 years.
Beginning: Not scheduled yet

Location: JOCUM Monte das Águias

Rodovia dos Minérios 6099,  Km.16

Almirante Tamandaré, PR CEP: 83514-000

* The values referring to the registration and the program must be deposited in the current account of the mission as announced below. All deposits must be IDENTIFIED with the name of the student and the name of the depositor.

All deposit receipts must be sent via email to [email protected]

(Only after the payment receipt is sent the registration and the value of the program will be removed)

For Bank Deposit

Jovens com uma Missão Banco Bradesco / Conta Corrente Agency: 3200 Account: 6585-4

Apply Online

Do not forget to download the Material Check List!