MCC – Missionary Care Course

MCC – Missionary Care Course
From June 26th to July 22nd, 2022

God is a Missionary God and His Kingdom has spread throughout the earth. Each Missionary has a special calling to fulfill in this advancement. And missionaries in the field face all sorts of challenges and need to be taken care of.

The Missionary Care Course, exists for missionaries to have a healthy life and performance in the field. Consider Comprehensive Missionary Care as “Formal and informal efforts to develop, preserve, and restore Kingdom workers to effective service” – Bruce Swanson.

We seek to provide good support structures when working as a team, orienting towards continuous personal growth. Emphasis is also placed on guidance in building good relational and support structures, which will promote the continued longevity of the service. We will be the first to say that Comprehensive Missionary Care is still quite a new mission for us and we are looking to grow our care teams through training, consultation and on-site mentoring so that we can cover the world of YWAM with people who prioritize caring for missionaries themselves.

This Course aims to give the attendants a broad notion of what is the Integral Care of the Missionary. There are dozens of teachings related to the practice of caring for those we send.

During the lecture phase the student will be trained in:

  • 7 Areas of Comprehensive Care;
  • Cultural shock;
  • Reverse culture shock;
  • Family in Missions;
  • Singles in Missions;
  • Communication between Church, Agency and missionary;
  • Development of Workers;
  • Fundamentals of Counseling;
  • Debriefing;
  • Among others.

The Missionary Integral Care Course (CIM) is a full-time course, where the student will be housed at our base for the entire theoretical period of the school, lasting 4 weeks.

Our target audience is those who are already involved in YWAM Workers Care or have an awakening to do so. People the Leader/Pastor sees potential and gifts for the task. People who are involved in the Human Resources department in mission agencies, Pastors and missions department directors in churches.

However, I would like to go deeper into the knowledge of how to care for the people God has entrusted to you.

The purpose of this course is to train Comprehensive Missionary Care Providers to serve where the Lord has placed them.”

Place: Jocum Monte das Águias – Almirante Tamandaré – PR
Date: From June 26th to July 22nd, 2022

Investment: Registration fee R$100 + Course fee R$1100 (covers hospitality, food, materials and the course.)
Total ammount: R$1200

E-MAIL: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +55 (41) 9598-5217

* The amounts referring to the registration or monthly fee of the school, must be deposited in the current account of the mission as announced below. All deposits must be IDENTIFIED with the name of the student and the name of the deposit. Deposit receipts must be sent via email to [email protected].

(Only after the receipt is sent, the registration and tuition fees will be deducted)

For Bank Deposit

Jovens com uma Missão Banco Bradesco / Conta Corrente
Agencia: 3200
Conta: 6585-4